Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Custom Action Button on List's Tool Bar, WSS 3.0

Display a Custom Button say “Load Data” on the Toolbar of the Sales List

In a Feature say “CustomContextMenu” we declare a Custom Action.

In the elements.xml file at “\CustomContextMenu\elements.xml” you will need to add this snippet.

<CustomAction Id="CustomContextMenu"
Title="Load Data" >
<UrlAction Url="~site/PageFilter.aspx?ListId={ListId}&ItemId={ItemId}&SiteURL={SiteUrl}&Action=7"/>

Parameters values:


RegistrationId is the “Type” id found in the elementManifest.xml of the List on which you want to show the button. Here in our case if you open the elementManifest.xml of Sales List.
You will find that “Type” for this list is “10031”

Location="ViewToolbar". We want the Button to appear on the Tool Bar of the List.

In UrlAction mention the url where you want the control to navigate when you press the button.


Abhi said...

I want to know How to add button to the sharepoint toolbar?

When I implemented your approach, my site went down.

What can be the reason?

Priyanka Lachhwani Kumar said...


I do not understand the type and RegistrationId thing. I have a created a picture library from UI. The RegistrationType would be list and RegistrationId = ? I do not want to keep it "109" which is the template id for picture libraries, since I want it only for a specific library. You have mentioned something about Type in element.xml, I do not understand that part. Alternatively, can you give some idea?

Parth Patel said...

@priyanka: when you do any thing in sharepoint then it has registration id. like custom list has registration id of 100 and your picture library has registration id has 109. so if you are using registration id as 109 then it will applied to all the picture library if you want to do it for some specific library only then you have to create your picture library with custom id (from list definition which is not at all easy).

@innocentwarrior: may be you can use registration id as 100 so it will applied to your custom list the registration id we had used is for custom one. there is nothing that can make your site down :) there might be another issue.

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