Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Project start date in project center PWA.

Entire project plan is depend on Project start date.

And there are a lot of issues related to project start date in project server 2007.

Here we go to step by step.
1) Create a project.
2) Set start date of the project.
3) In MS Project we can set start date from Project -> project information -> start date. By default it will take today’s date.
4) For developers this date will save in PROJ_INFO_START_DATE in Project dataset.
5) Now you create tasks with some specific start date or successors and all that.
6) After that, publish that project to PWA.

In project center screen or PWA start and finish date will show different dates.

Logically it should show date from project info start date.
But it shows the minimum date from all tasks’ start date and maximum date from tasks end date.

There is no any other way to have project info start date (PROJ_INFO_START_DATE) from DB in Project center.

The only solution to overcome this situation we can create a custom field of the project.

Save project info start date in that newly created field and change the view project center web part.

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