Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Make STSADM command shortcut

Hi All,

Many times we require to directly access STSADM and do some stuff.

Follow the following steps :

(1) Open up the system properties window (Right Click My Computer > Properties)
(2) Click on the “Advanced” tab
(3) Click on the “Environment Variables”
(4) Click "Edit"

In the “Edit System Variable” window, in the “Variable value” field add a semicolon at the end as a separator and add the path to the SharePoint BIN folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\

One important thing note that you will find may entries separated by ";" (semicolon) sign. you need to add this path after last path that is already mentioned there. Just add ; and then paste the above path.

(5) Keep pressing OK in all the windows. If you open up a command window and type stsadm you should be able to access it without having to go through the trouble of navigating to the SharePoint BIN folder.

That's it. Your job is done.

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