Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Document set Part – 4

If you have not gone through Part-1 to Part-3 I would recommend you reading them first and then continue reading from here on.

In this post, we are going to see versioning and workflow that runs on the document set rather than individual documents inside document set.

Again there is always a flexibility to run workflows on individual documents inside document set. Main advantage of running workflow over document set is we can run a single workflow in all the documents inside the document set and the same way we can have versioning on a single document set rather than handling versions on each document separately.

So let’s go ahead and check versioning and workflow both on a document set.

Remember that we will see these both functionalities from browser and also from SharePoint Designer 2010. First we will see them from browser. Versioning and document set workflow from SharePoint Designer 2010 will be covered in part-5.

When you are on document set welcome page go to document set tab, you will see capture version and version history. Let’s say you would like to save this document set along with all documents inside it as a one single version, you can click on save this version.

And then you would be able to capture the version. As you can see I also saved one version already so this has become second version and you can see all the documents in both the version.

One interesting thing to note here is if you see individual version number of documents, they indicate their own versions as well respectively. We did not modify any document individually hence here we can see as 1.0. If we had modified any individual document, then that change will be recorded and will be a part of document set version.

Now let’s go ahead and check workflow. Go to library settings and click on workflow.

Select document set content type and then select SharePoint 2010 collect feedback workflow.

In next scree, configure the approvers, and save it.

Now we have configured workflow on document set. Go back to the document set welcome page.

Click on start. And now as you can see task has been allocated and that is on the document set which means we are running a workflow for a document set.

Read Document Set Part-5 for further reading.

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