Thursday, October 6, 2011

Metadata term store management - Part-1

In SharePoint 2010, we can now have managed metadata in our sites. First let us understand what this metadata all about is.

Metadata actually plays a very critical role if implemented properly across the organization. When we want to identify any specific information, we tag the information as we saw in one of the series (Tagging and Clouding) in our blog.

The very simple basic point that is used as a base of metadata management is Term. Term is any phrase or a word given to identify specific content or information on a site.

Metadata plays very critical role in defining a strict policy of tagging items based on specific terms only which will internally help people to find and locate the information easily when they search any content specific to their area of interest. When any items tagged properly, then the search becomes very easy.

Term can later be defined as managed term and managed keywords. The difference between managed terms and keywords is terms are defined by administrators / contributors and keywords are defined by users who use the site.

Managed Term then can also be converted to Term set that can be represented in
hierarchical group of related terms.

Keyword can also be moved to be a part of term set.

This is where the concept of closed and open submission tag policy comes into a picture. Closed submission policy means user can tag items, document, and pages only from defined terms by administrators or term contributors. Open policy submission means user can tag item based on their own words or phrase and new phrases keep adding to the management store for other users to tag any item next time.

First I would like to give a quick highlight on where we can find these options. You can find these options in the site settings and in central administration.

Open site settings page and locate term store management under site administration option.

 And from central administration, go to Application Management -> Manage Service applications -> Managed Meta data services.

Start the service if not started.

Read Part-2 for further reading.

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