Monday, July 11, 2011

Assign value to hyperlink or picture field from designer

Recently I came across to a requirement to automatically assign value to picture field. Now we know that when we define hyperlink or picture field in list when format URL as picture, we need to provide path and the alternate name to image.

I had to do the same thing but with the help of SharePoint designer. Based on some condition, I needed to assign value to the picture field. So here is a simple way we do this.

Declare one variable in your SharePoint designer workflow. I have used ImgURL as string.

Now, I have some conditions in my workflow, however idea is to show you how to assign image path to picture field.

All you have to do is store value in that variable. Use build dynamic string from action options.

Remember one thing, there is one space after comma and the second text.

That’s it. When you update or store value in that field via designer. Use this string variable as source to set value in that field.

Hope this helps.


Thakhi Shaik said...

Apologies.I don't know where to ask my doubt?

I have a custom validation control activated in a sharepoint list for newform.aspx and editform.aspx using SP designer 2007.working good

but in datasheet view its not working

any help will be appreciated

note: I have only designer (no VS code)

SharePoint Kings said...

Thakhi Shaik,

it is not possible to apply validation in datasheet view.

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