Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to get logged in User in Web Part?

Hi All,

May times we need to know the name of the user who is logged in currently in your site in web part code.

Here is a simple way you can accomplish this :

WindowsPrincipal p = Thread.CurrentPrincipal as WindowsPrincipal;
string strLoggedInUser = p.Identity.Name;

Use WindowPrincipal class to get the Name. This will return you Domain_Name/UserName combination.


Edy said...

Hi. I hit some error.

An error occurred during the compilation of the requested file, or one of its dependencies. The type or namespace name 'WindowsPrincipal' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I used Microsoft Office Sharepoint Designer.

What is the above error?

Parth Patel said...

add referance of
System.Security or System.Security.Principal

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