Monday, February 11, 2013

Change Document Library folders title through Power Shell

In this post we will see how to change the title of the folders in document library.

Here is before running the script.

Here is the script. If you are not aware what is happening in this script, I would recommend reading get value from configuration file post.

[xml]$xmlfile = Get-Content ConfigFile.xml
 $site = ''
$web = ''
$listName = 'Shared Documents'
 foreach( $sitecoll in $xmlfile.Configuration.SiteCollection)
    $site = $              
 $spSite= Get-SPSite $site
 $web = $spSite.OpenWeb()
 Write-Host -foregroundcolor Green 'Site URL' $site
 foreach($folder in $list.Folders)
if($folder['Title'] -eq 'Folder1')
   $folder['Name'] = 'NewFolder1'
   $folder['Title'] = 'NewFolder1'
   } elseif($folder['Title'] -eq 'Folder2')
    $folder['Name'] = 'NewFolder2'
   $folder['Title'] = 'NewFolder2'
 elseif($folder['Title'] -eq 'Folder3')
    $folder['Name'] = 'NewFolder3'
   $folder['Title'] = 'NewFolder3'
 elseif($folder['Title'] -eq 'Folder4')
   $folder['Name'] = 'NewFolder4'
   $folder['Title'] = 'NewFolder4'
 elseif($folder['Title'] -eq 'Folder5')
    $folder['Name'] = 'NewFolder5'
   $folder['Title'] = 'NewFolder5'

we are opening the site and then taking the reference of the library and then iterate through all folders of the library and then compare the title of the folder and then change folder properties.

Once you run the script, all folders names and title will be changed. 

I hope this helps.

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