Sunday, November 11, 2012

Special permissions in Workflow Create Task Activity

Many times we want to restrict a task item only to be edited by a person whom it is assigned to.

If a person has contribute access then by default there is no way that we can restrict them to update the task list item.

When you are working with create task activity and create a task, you can always create a special permission object and then assign it to the task properties.

createtaskProperties.AssignedTo = "domain\\user";
System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary specialPermissions =
new System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary();
createTask1.SpecialPermissions = specialPermissions;

This is how you set permission on task list item to allow only assigned to person edit that task list item.


Sudheer said...

After long gap,very interesting post.Kudos to share point kings team

Martin said...


i exactly need this, but i dont understand where you get the createTask1 from?


P.S.: Great Blog, i already found several times something on this!!!

Martin said...


i exactly need this, but i dont understand where you get the createTask1 from?


P.S.: Great Blog, i already found several times something on this!!!

Martin said...

Found it somewhere else, thanks anyway!!!

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